London Goes Agog, As Kachi Nwogu, An Entrepreneur Giant And Philanthropist Marks His Birthday With style ~ Sixt-Media Lane Consult

Africans all over the world , most especially in Nigeria and London celebrates an Entrepreneur Giant and Philanthropist, the Chairman and CEO of the most prestigious and world acclaimed best International Restaurant known as “280 Degrees Restaurant and Bar London” Mr Kachi Kelvin Nwogu, as he marks his birthday with style today being the 24th February 2024.

Kachi Nwogu became a household name amongst Nigerians living in abroad, London / England to be precised and those who always throng to the city of great Britain for his delicious and appetizing African savoury edibles prepared and serves in one of the most prestigious and popular restaurants in London popularly known as “Degree 280 Restaurant And Bar”
Kachi Nwogu believed that healthy eating doesn’t mean cutting out foods, in his words, It is all about eating various foods in the correct amount to provide your body with the essential nutrients. You need to ensure that you are consuming different foods in the right balance rather than denying certain foods or drinks.
All foods should be included in your healthy diet plan except for people who are on a medical diet, which we also provide.
At Degree 280 Restaurant you also get hors d’oeuvre service before the main meal. It’s simply being operated with the world’s best standard practices with an International standard.
As one of the best acclaimed Black Restaurant in London that parades creme de la creme of the societies and world leaders, Kachi Nwogu has undoubtedly come to be seen as a modern day phenomenon whose corpus requires a large canvas. We the entire management of Sixt-Media Lane Consult Ltd are saying congratulations to a worthy Nigerian son.